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Hello, It’s Me, A Flitter

Hi again. I was reminded over the weekend that the most common question asked after initial introductions is, “So, what do you do?” I know what people want to hear when they ask this. They want a one word answer that sums up the bulk of my days like, “I’m a nurse” or “I’m a lawyer”. I’m not a nurse or a lawyer. I’m a lot of many things but nothing that can be abbreviated easily into a tiny word.

I think I’ve settled on, “I’m a flitter”. That doesn’t help most people so I will explain. I flit from job to job as I need to. My last position was as an assistant manager at a local resort. It was a temporary post and I am glad it is over. Before that, I worked for a couple of years as a housekeeper at a different resort. This job helped to pay the bills and build up some savings but it’s also one I don’t miss. Before that, I delivered newspapers. In between jobs, I’ve had time to try many things. I was the secretary on a board for a youth organization for a number of years. This summer I tilled up about half the back yard and planted a vegetable garden and just recently I started being a big sister with the local chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m not a lazy person. I just haven’t found a paying job that is worth staying at forever and ever so that I have a one word description to dole out to people.

Whew! I hate that question and my long winded response to it. Life would be easier if I was like most other people – you know super busy, exhausted all the time, making decent money and having some sort of title. I would fit in better. Instead, my life is full of healthy homemade meals, time for exercise and family and moments to explore new vistas. “Ahhh, you say, you’re a housewife.” No. Not really. I pay half the bills around here. I pay for everything regarding my sons. “How?” you wonder. More explanation. Arg! I was widowed young, inherited money and still collect some pension income. Following that ordeal, I discovered that I am exceptionally talented at budgeting and living very well on very little. It’s a talent I really like about myself. I do what I need to for survival and then I move on. Hello, it’s me, a flitter.

So what do you do? Are you one of those one worders? If not, how do you answer that query? Are you defined by your job or are you like me, wearing many hats?

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